Mitle, I so love your perspective of journaling as holding space for self! Ive been writing on a diary since I was in primary school, going through morning pages and practicing pre paving writing for what I desired in my life. Upon reflection, it’s so true that it is in writing where I had a conversation with myself, that I got in touch with the deeper feelings within me.

I love the questions that you’ve shared from Circle Skills and that they’re singing over the bones - that phrase just lands so deeply in the body!

I also love how you’re exploring questions you don’t have answers to, to guide your circle work. I especially like the third one, collective care and sacred activism.

Some time back when I saw the word activism I felt that I didn’t know how to be an activist. Then I realised that the thing that I’m passionate about is child abuse and child sexual abuse, the fields I’ve worked in. How can I be an activist for that.

Mmm love the offering of these questions / inquiry Mitle - thank you.

And can I just share. My last post was 9 min and I was worried no one would read it wuhahaha then I saw that this js 10 mins and I feel comforted heh heh.

Writing here feels like journaling for me as well, reflecting as I share my lived experiences.

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Thank you so much for reading and sharing your reflections. Journaling is such a powerful practice for those of us who are able to engage with it.

Finding our own form of activism is a journey in itself. I might write more about that.

I love that Substack shares the approx time to read an article- it lets you know if you need a cuppa or not! Xx

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Yes! Please write more about that (:

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