Thank you for keeping me company while I drink my morning coffee, Mitlé. I’m in awe of everything you’re moving through and nurturing.

And I’m glad you included the peri-menopause bit! I recently started taking Women’s MenoCap capsules from Wise Women Herbals and have noticed some symptoms leveling out (but not the hair loss, at least so far). Sending love your way from across the pond. 💛

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Hello Kara - would it be OK for me to share the first part of your comment over on Instagram? I can do so anonymously or tag you. I’m experimenting with using Instagram to bring more peeps over here (and hoping to do less over there!). And if course, absolutely fine if you’d rather I didn’t- very grateful to have you here 🙏🏻🧡

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Sure, I don’t mind!

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Thank you so much xx

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Thank you dear Kara. I’m grateful to keep you company and to know about the herbal supplements - thank you xx

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A wonderful read as always Mitlé 💜 I particularly loved the section on sacred activism and the Way of Love and Rage. I will definitely explore more, thank you. And your lived example and your deep love of rivers was so inspiring to read. 🙏

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Thank you so much for reading Amanda. I really appreciate knowing the parts you loved and your presence here 🙏🏻🧡

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Dear Mitle, I love the inclusion on what’s enraging you, nourishing you ... I’m reflecting for myself that I’m often enraged by continued report of news on the sexual abuse of minors.

I realise that having been in the job, I did not speak publicly about my views. Now I’m beginning to share lightly, by reposting a story and sharing my feelings.

Going deeper beneath this... is my love to hold space for children’s voices. To represent. To stand up for. Especially when parents and caregivers dont. Over time I loved holding space for the child within the parent too.

A child will only disclose when they feel safe, someone they can trust - although we do need to take action to safeguard the child’s safety. And if we go deeper than that, it points to personal experiences around abuse.

I admire your activism. I feel like I don’t know how to be an activist, much less have the language for it. Im glad that I can express this here 💛✨

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I love how you’ve weaved your love of rivers into your work. I am dreaming that one day when my son is bigger, I might be able to bring him to a mother and son circle. Hehe.

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