I felt your heart reading this Mitle. My mother has been diagnosed with dementia, I can’t imagine her being alone and untouched while she lives through this pain. I’m so sorry your family had to experience this. How much was lost during the lockdowns! We humans need each other so much.

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Thank you for sharing this. It resonates with me deeply. My father passed in May 2020 from a long drawn out illness and though my immediate family were there with him, I was not. I was to grieve virtually only and join them in what was not actually a funeral, unless you can count the hour he was blessed by a priest just before his cremation.

It was probably at that moment when I finally appreciated my culture’s unique way of grieving... wherein there is a period of about 3-5 days of round-the-clock mourning at the funeral parlour when friends and loved ones will come and go and share stories, which will culminate in the final day when the departed will finally be laid to rest.

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Mitle, this brought tears to my eyes. The love. Sadness. Grief. Written with so much honour and respect. I can't even begin to imagine what you all went through during that difficult time. We had to work out what we would do, if our mother declined. How could we be there for her? We were lucky that our lockdowns were not harsh for long. And she pulled through. All my love to you.

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