Welcome to The Circle Project

I'm Mitlé, a Facilitator and Circle Holder, exploring the ancient tradition of gathering in Circle and reimagining them as spaces of sanctuary and rebellion in (r)evolutionary times.

A former litigation and compliance lawyer I retrained as a wellbeing practitioner and intuitive guide, started holding Circles in 2016 and created Circle School in 2018. I bring my unique blend of the intellectual, ethical and mystical to my enquiries, research and writing.

Step into my world where ancient wisdom meets a (r)evolutionary movement.

Here on the edge of the still wild landscape of Dartmoor, amidst stone circles, ancient woodlands and the River Dart, I’m reweaving the art and craft of gathering in Circle as as a modern movement for cultural change in our communities and organisations.

Through the lenses of wisdom traditions, social justice frameworks, intersectional feminism, herstory, mythology, nature embodiment and personal stories, I am exploring the the practice and process of Circles and their role as spaces to foster collective care and sacred activism.

Some of the enquiries that I’m foraging ideas for are:

  • How can Circles contribute to fracturing the systems that uphold oppression and harm?

  • How can Circles offer spaces of sanctuary and rebellion?

  • What does it mean to be a Circle Holder in these (r)evolutionary times?

  • How can we dare to flourish at this moment in the world’s story?

  • How can Circles rehabilitate the over-culture?

1. Circle centrepiece with a log, flowers, shells and a candle. 2. A small altar with a large shell, a candle in a tin, pinecone, feather, selenite crystal, moss stick and a stone. 3. A hand with a lotus tatoo at the wrist holding a small white bowl with dried rose petals, small shell, ceramic butterfly and pinecone.1. Circle centrepiece with a log, flowers, shells and a candle. 2. A small altar with a large shell, a candle in a tin, pinecone, feather, selenite crystal, moss stick and a stone. 3. A hand with a lotus tatoo at the wrist holding a small white bowl with dried rose petals, small shell, ceramic butterfly and pinecone.1. Circle centrepiece with a log, flowers, shells and a candle. 2. A small altar with a large shell, a candle in a tin, pinecone, feather, selenite crystal, moss stick and a stone. 3. A hand with a lotus tatoo at the wrist holding a small white bowl with dried rose petals, small shell, ceramic butterfly and pinecone.
Circles as Medicine

Circles as Medicine

In a world marked by uncertainty, injustice, grief and trauma, I believe that Circles offer potent medicine for us and our communities.

I consider how gathering in Circle can help to rehabilitate the over-culture, and how collective rituals and ceremonies can be channels for personal and systemic change.

I explore how being heard and witnessed as we tell our stories cultivates courage and vulnerability and how this is a form of resistance.

I recognise the interconnection of our movements including social and environmental challenges, and explore how gathering with an intention and meaningful purpose can support us individually and collectively as change makers, activists and rebels.

Why Subscribe?

When you become a free Subscriber you receive a monthly essay in which I share what I’m exploring, ideas and theories, resources and books and / or personal stories and case studies on themes such as:

  • Circles being spaces of sanctuary for collective care

  • Circles and business as a channel for sacred activism and economic justice

  • Embodying the principles of circle in your life, business and community roles

  • Creating safer, inclusive, and collaborative circles for your community that align with your values

These are intended to both support you in your role as a facilitator and space holder, and give you something to contemplate and ponder.

Join the Membership

Earlier this year I took a leap and closed my membership, The Grove, and relocated here to Substack! Together, we are co-creating a new kind of membership space and:

  • Deepening our capacity as a space holders, facilitators and ceremonialists in these times through peer mentoring and reflective learning

  • Engaging in thought-partnership and robust discussions with other experienced, intuitive, heart-led Circle Holders and facilitators.

If you decide to become a paid subscriber and join us, in addition to the free monthly essay, you will also receive invitations to:

  • Community Chat: ask questions, share, respond to my threads

  • Exclusive weekly offerings: a short-form essay, or sections of my book (as I write it),or a guidebook, or a circle resource or an idea or prompts for reflection.

  • Regular Gatherings: Co-Writing/Working, Collaboration Call, Wisdom Council & Seasonal Sharing Circle

I supported your work because I so appreciate your teaching of circle holding and the way you lead through your own wonderful holding of nourishing spaces. I’ve benefitted so much from being in circle with you and the wonderful humans you draw together. I learn, I see, I know, I grow. So glad to continue this journey over here on Substack and to witness you bring your much-needed book to life.

Mother, Nurture & Wild

Become a Circle Rebel

If you have the resources and wish to support me as a writer, cultural change advocate and feminist activist, become a Circle Rebel and in addition to the member benefits receive:

  • Access to The Circle Project Library - an evolving library of workshops and resources

  • One on One Session with Mitlé - you can book one 45-minute session with me during each year that you are a Circle Rebel

The Circle Project Book

Part of The Circle Project weaving is to write and create a book about this ancient technology and the current modern movement. I will share sections as I write, and invite your reflections and contributions. This will not be a “how to hold circles” book, but intended to be a companion guidebook that helps to create an interconnected underground network of (r)evolutionary gatherings.

When you Subscribe

When you subscribe you will begin to receive all of my shares straight into your inbox. You can also download the Substack app, which I wholeheartedly recommend so you can read all your favourite publications, leave comments and join the community chat.

The Circle Project is an evolving space and what’s included may change from time to time. If there’s something you’d like me to include please let me know.

With you in Circle in these (r)evolutionary times

Subscribe to The Circle Project

Sharing Circles as spaces for collective care and sacred activism in (r)evolutionary times; looking through a lens of wisdom traditions, modern movement frameworks, intersectional feminism, myths & personal stories.


Holding global circles since 2016, I guide people to revive the ancient practice of Circles. Conspiring for an equitable world & following the practical, ethical, and mystical paths to do so. A lover of wild spaces, books and learning.